Impact Soundworks Launches BRAVURA SCORING BRASS

Impact Soundworks released today BRAVURA SCORING BRASS, a comprehensive orchestral sample library powered by Native Instruments Kontakt Player. Thisnew instrument features brass ensembles, soloists, and aleatoric effects, pristinely recorded in ascoring studio and encompassing a wide range of core & extended articulations. Designed withfilm, television, and video game composers in mind, BRAVURA SCORING BRASS is availablenow at Impact Soundworks’ web shop.

BRAVURA SCORING BRASS comprises 20 instrument patches and 55,000+ samples in a custom designed performance engine. Articulations such as true legato, marcato, tenuto, double tonguing, and trills can be seamlessly played and switched in realtime, with deep controls available for tweaking mix and performance options. The powerful and unique ChordMaker and Orchestrator patches offer further convenience, allowing composers to createfully voiced chords and ensemble parts with ease.

By including three mic positions in a scoring studio space, BRAVURA SCORING BRASSdeparts from the typical “bakedin”reverb sound of many orchestral libraries and allows exceptional flexibility for mixing and blending with other samples or live performances. Togetherwith the incredible depth at which each instrument and ensemble was captured, these featuresallow for sounds ranging from subtle and intimate to massive and epic.

The aleatoric effects of BRAVURA SCORING BRASS are geared specifically to modern scoring needs and include a generous assortment of disturbing textures, atonal stabs, clusters,rips, falls, rhythmic figures, and dissonant drones to inspire dark and atmospheric music.

BRAVURA SCORING BRASS is available now at the Impact Soundworks web store for $ 349as a complete bundle including all ensembles, soloists, effects and articulations. No additionalsoftware beyond the free Kontakt Player is required.

BRAVURA SCORING BRASS is also available a la carte, with smaller bundles, ensembles,and individual soloists available starting at only $ 39 (full Kontakt required.) For more information about BRAVURA SCORING BRASS, including audio demos, video walkthrough, specs, and manual, please visit: