Be mentally ready for changes, respect your own internal clock and sense of integrity. Be kind to those who deserve it and protect yourself from those who would abuse your talent and dedication in the name of personal gain.
Don’t let limitations stop you. For months, the only equipment I had available at all was a laptop and headphones. That didn’t stopped me from researching, creating sound effects with several techniques and uploading them to my soundcloud. Melissa Pons
Finding the balance between work and life is not always easy in our field and I hope everyone will spend some time with their loved ones in a few weeks.
Gear does not equal talent, not any more than fancy cook wear makes a gourmet chef. The most important item to own is the vision for what you wish to create…rent everything else.
Learn a programming language! Practice problem solving! These are the abilities that can truly differentiate you from everyone else trying to get the same jobs.
If it’s your passion, don’t give up. That’s the one thing that has paid off for me is I knew that I couldn’t do anything else and I was meant to do this.