Always learn new things, deeply analyze music that you like and learn how to express emotions and ideas with music, preferably music that has your own voice.
"THUNDER SPRINGS" is a collection of 450+ rare and mutilated Instruments & Multis derived entirely from recordings of the signature cinematic sound of Spring Drums & Thunder Tubes.
Your education gets 80% of its value from you: the diploma isn't going to get you any jobs. Get involved, make connections, and participate deeply in your education or you'll walk out of school with nothing but a poster and debt.
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection profile we talk with the Music Conductor and Orchestrator Tim Simonec on the 20th Century Fox Newman Scoring stage for Director J.J. Abram's new film Star Trek Into Darkness.
A track-by-track discussion and breakdown of Deane Ogden's world music debut EASTERN CHRONICLE, covering the conception, writing process, logistics, technology, production, mixing, release and promotion of the project.
If you're interested in synth sound design, the best thing to do is pick one synth and learn it inside out. Whilst there are an enormous number of softsynths on the market and their architecture varies, many of the lessons you'll learn by focusing on that one synth can be applied to the others