4.5Great Voices of the ages review Zdravko Djordjevic July 14, 2015 Featured, SFX library reviews We have reviewed the new sample pack from SampleTraxx called Voices of the ages. See what we think about it.
SampleTraxx releases Voices of the Ages Zdravko Djordjevic June 5, 2015 Sound effects releases SampleTraxx releases Voices of the Ages
SampleTraxx announces Voices of the Ages Zdravko Djordjevic April 23, 2015 Sound effects releases SampleTraxx announces Voices of the Ages
4.9Awesome Raptus review Zdravko Djordjevic February 24, 2015 Featured, SFX library reviews We have reviewed the new SampleTraxx product Raptus. See what we think about it.
SampleTraxxx releases Raptus Zdravko Djordjevic February 16, 2015 Sound effects releases SampleTraxxx releases Raptus