
Super Audio Cart Expansion Released with Rare Hardware Samples

Impact Soundworks has released the first expansion to Super Audio Cart, a virtual instrument built around retro video game samples in a modern synth engine. Presented as version 1.1, this free update adds an entirely new game system to the library: the “FC” system, released 1983 only in Japan. Unlike the NES, the FC offered impressive audio capabilities through the rare VRC6 & VRC7 sound chips and the FDS hardware expansion. All three of these chips have been thoroughly sampled for Super Audio Cart 1.1.

Other additions to the Kontakt Player engine include the ability to modulate any parameter using generated ADSR envelopes, more fine control over layer triggering, new mod destinations, and over 140 new factory sounds (bringing the total combined modern & authentic preset count to over 1,200!)

​An overview video showing these new sounds and features is available on YouTube

Super Audio Cart with the new update is still available at the original list price of $149.

​Existing users can get the update for free at the link below: