
123creative.com releases Waldorf Best Of Both Worlds – 128 fresh patches for Waldorf Largo (software), Q-Series (hardware) and Blofeld (hardware).

Synth bank contains 128 Massive sounds for the huge range of Waldorf synths. This ‘Best of both worlds’ package covers the new Waldorf Blofeld, the Waldorf Q-series, Waldorf Largo and TerraTec Komplexer synths. Bolfeld and Q-range are hardware synths, but don’t despare: the software synths are in no way left behind.

Main categories:

– Leads,
– sequence sounds,
– plucks,
– basses and
– pads.

These patches have been carefully programmed to sound the same even used on software or hardware. There are surely some differences like filters and envelopes, which will not sound the same between Blofeld – Q-series.

Waldorf is registered trademark of Waldorf Music GmbH.


– File format: Synth bank – patches for any kind of electronic dance music creations
– Package includes 128 Massive sounds for several Waldorf synths
– Requirements: Waldorf Largo (software), Q-Series (hardware) and Blofeld (hardware)

Standard price: 24.95 Eur

More info at: http://www.123creative.com/presets-preset-banks/530-waldorf-best-of-2-worlds-analog-and-digital-preset-bank-patches.html


001 303 Disorder JK
002 A&B 1 JK
003 A&B 2 JK
004 Add Some Sub JK
005 Anjunabeats JK
006 AnjunaSweep JK
007 ChainUP JK
008 Classic HiPass JK
009 Cocaine JK
010 ContrastBase JK
011 Deep End JK
012 Do Some Moor JK
013 Double Saw JK
014 Electro Bass JK
015 ElectroStab1 JK
016 Ferry Bass 1 JK
017 Ferry Bass 2 JK
018 Ferry Bass 3 JK
019 FM Punch JK
020 Fruity JK
021 Like Virus JK
022 Loving 303´s JK
023 Metal Bass JK
024 Moog´ish JK
025 Nation JK
026 No Mercy JK
027 Nordish 1 JK
028 Nordish 2 JK
029 NorthernLights JK
030 Not 2 Keen JK
031 Pad Bass 1 JK
032 Pad Bass 2 JK
033 PitchUP JK
034 PulseSuprise JK
035 Putchy JK
036 Quad Saw JK
037 RexBass JK
038 Scary Arp JK
039 SexOnTheBeach JK
040 Side Bass JK
041 Simon Says JK
042 Sync Star
043 The Fuzz
044 TheyRBeyond
045 UK Style 1
046 UK Style 2
047 AlmosLikeBell
048 Banana EP
049 PoorOldEP
050 2x Nord Lead
051 Acidish
052 Alt+F4
053 Anjuna Finest
054 Artist :-)
055 Chord This JK
056 Dirty Bitch JK
057 Dist Leader JK
058 Dist Reality JK
059 E-Guitar 1 JK
060 E-Guitar 2 JK
061 Fill In Detune JK
062 Floater JK
063 HuperSaw JK
064 HuperSquare JK
065 Kandi Lead 1 JK
066 Kandi Lead 2 JK
067 LFO Twost JK
068 Mercury&Solace? JK
069 Mou5er JK
070 Nice Sinetooth JK
071 Offbeat Lead JK
072 Oscar 1 JK
073 Oscar 2 JK
074 Pitch F*cker JK
075 Poly 6 JK
076 Satellite JK
077 Smudge JK
078 Snap It JK
079 Solstice JK
080 SquareSync JK
081 Sunrise Jk
082 Thrillseeker JK
083 Ugliest JK
084 UMustLoveMe JK
085 Use Wheel JK
086 6 Voice Sawyer JK
087 7th Sky JK
088 Aalto JK
089 Ambience JK
090 AnalogRings JK
091 Backup Choir JK
092 Filter2 G8 JK
093 Flutish JK
094 Ibiza Chill JK
095 Maybe Angels? JK
096 Out of Phase JK
097 Pro5 Style JK
098 Sad Waves JK
099 Stringz JK
100 SuperLargo JK
101 Sweet Dreams JK
102 Wide As F*ck JK
103 Armadish JK
104 Chord Sound JK
105 Fake Drift JK
106 GetOff JK
107 In Time JK
108 Mystik JK
109 Pulsate JK
110 Rush JK
111 Self Oscillated JK
112 Soft Saw JK
113 Steve 1 JK
114 Steve 2 JK
115 BrokenPulse JK
116 Bubble Fish JK
117 DreamPulse JK
118 Electrons JK
119 Fam0us JK
120 Fast ? Sweep JK
121 Groove Hit JK
122 Kandi sEQ JK
123 Lucifer JK
124 RazorBlade JK
125 Shaper JK
126 Synced Saw JK
127 BuildThatBreak JK
128 Jani Kervinen