
If you are looking for some inspiration than this video will surely inspire you.

There is also an indepth interview with the sound team from Titanfall 2 on A Sound effetct. Check it out.

All Titanfall 2 Weapons List : G2A5, Hemlok BF-R, R-201 Carbine, V-47 Flatline, Alternator, CAR, R-97 Compact SMG, Volt, L-STAR, Spitfire, X-55 Devotion, D-2 Double Take, Kraber-AP Sniper, Longbow-DMR, EVA-8 Shotgun, Mastiff, EM-4 Cold War, EPG-1, R-6P Softball, Sidewinder SMR, B3 Wingman, Hammond P2016, RE-45 Auto, SA-3 Mozambique, Archer, Charge Rifle, LG-97 Thunderbolt, MGL Mag Launcher, Arc Tool, Arc Grenade, Frag Grenade, Smoke Grenade, Gravity Grenade, Firestar, Gravity Star.

(via: A Sound Effect)