The biggest thing for me is making sure I’m doing what I love to do. If you love it, you already have the motivation to; study it, practise it, and become better at it. But more importantly, you’ll find great satisfaction and enjoyment!
Everybody knows about that typical overused phrases like “work harder than everybody else” or “improve your craft and work on your skills” and so on. So I'll skip that! But I believe there is another important aspect to success. Collaborations with other people should be fun. Make yourself into a person who is fun to work with and you'll be fine!
The Top Ten list of our favorite interviews. It was hard for us to pick only ten since we love all your interviews. This list is based on what we thought were most motivating or inspirational for us. So without... Read More...
The most important thing is to find your sound. You may have to make compromises in the beginning but people hire composers for a certain aspect they love of their sound. Be yourself, take risks.
My favorite quote for sound comes from Randy Thom, who has been a lovely influence and friend in my career. He says that "it's great to be able to make mistakes when going through the period of creative discovery, but that you should try to have those things be as inexpensive as possible".