3 Free Kontakt Instruments

Durk Kooistra created 3 Kontakt instruments which you can download completely free! Kontakt was envisioned as a ‘new-breed’ software sampler, the original version pushing for a stable interface to work with pitched musical sound.

Cinematica a free kontakt library

We found this little gem on one of the Japanese websites. Cinematica contatins over 2GB of samples ranging from toy pianos to electric guitars and percussions. Some sounds are decent some are just mapped along the keyboard but overall its a great sound library. Props to whoever made this.

Hiss and Roar releases Tortured Cymbals

This library includes an incredibly diverse collection of tonal & atonal sounds (great food for granular processing!) ranging from the shrill to the subsonic, as well as some very strange textures and uniquely percussive impacts! The contrast between the synchronous dual contact mic and stereo high resolution Sennhesier MKH80X0 mics could not be starker.

Audio intern at Activision

Activision Blizzard, headquartered in Santa Monica, CA, is the premier worldwide publisher of interactive entertainment software. Activision Blizzard’s portfolio includes such best-selling video game franchises as Activision Publishing’s Call of Duty, Spider-Man, X-Men, James Bond, and Transformers, in addition to Blizzard Entertainment’s StarCraft, Diablo, Warcraft and the #1 subscription based massively multi-player online role-playing game, World of Warcraft. Activision Blizzard is the umbrella organization over Activision Publishing and Blizzard Entertainment, providing corporate shared services, such as Legal, HR, Finance, IT, Accounting, Facilities and Sales.

Audio Director (Riot Games)

With League of Legends, one of the most played and critically acclaimed PC games today, Riot Games is a leading innovator in its mission to be the most player-focused game company in the world. At Riot you will work among the most gifted and passionate people in the industry as we hire only the most talented and collaborative people in their discipline.

Blizzard is looking for a Producer, Audio

Blizzard Entertainment is looking for a highly-organized individual with outstanding communication skills and proven experience in project team leadership, administration, and audio production to provide production management of Blizzard Entertainment’s Next-Gen MMO. Click here to apply.

Frank D’Angelo interview

Be passionate, persistent, and never give up. No matter how much you get knocked down, you just have to get up and try even harder. Networking is also extremely important, and you should do it as much as possible.