Work hard, never rest on your oars, listen, constantly work on your skills, never give up because sometimes opportunities arise by coincidence and always be your toughest critic.
Supervising Sound Mixer and Sound Designer Randy Thom talks about Dreamworks Animation 3-D thrilling action-adventure “How to Train Your Dragon”. Find out how the roster of dragons were brought to life and ... Read More...
Raison Varner, audio lead for Borderlands 2, talks about the process of designing monters for Borderlands and how the team is able to mix and match different animal noises to create a whole new creature.
Your music and compositional skills may get you your first gig, but how professional you are: how good you are to work with will get you your second (and third, and fourth....) one and make or break your career. Be professional.
The dragons are back from the ocean’s depths. Today marks the release of Guild Wars 2, the new massively multiplayer online role playing game (think World of Warcraft meets Star Wars: The Old Republic) from developer ArenaNet.
The lead audio designer for Battlefield 3 explains his creative process and how the audio team at DICE uses real world recordings to recreate the battlefield.
Who says robot boxing won’t happen in 2020?! “Real Steel” plays out this fantasy as robots have replaced humans in boxing in this Shawn Levy film (“Night at the Museum” franchise and “Date Night”).