Daan Hendriks interview

"Don’t give up". This is a buyers market unfortunately: there are way, way more aspiring or even experienced but unfortunate (made redundant due to company closures) audio designers out there than there are jobs available. On the same token though, the game industry is growing very fast and in all sorts of different directions.

Durk Kooistra interview

To be perfectly honest I don't feel I am the person to be giving life lessons here. I do however have plenty of tips and tricks I share on my blog (http://durkkooistra.com/category/blog/). One thing that's always good advice is; never give up. If you want to make a living doing what you love it sometimes means you will be disappointed, put down or get frustrated with yourself. Persistence pays of.

Charles Maynes interview

My favorite quote for sound comes from Randy Thom, who has been a lovely influence and friend in my career. He says that "it's great to be able to make mistakes when going through the period of creative discovery, but that you should try to have those things be as inexpensive as possible".

Rovio: Sound Designer wanted

Rovio is looking for a talented, motivated and experienced Sound Designer to join our studio at Espoo. You will be responsible for specifying, acquiring, manipulating and/or generating audio elements for games.

Michael Peaslee interview

Listen to everything around you and memorize the sounds of the physical world. Always have a recorder and camera with you. Think about how and why things behave the way they do. And you better really like putting in long hours, because you're going to be putting in some really fucking long hours if you want to make sound and music for a living.