Mateo Pascual interview

Don’t lose hope, there is always a process for everything and sometimes you need to be prepared for a long wait, a rejection, a gig lost... all these things can give you some frustration but be sure that if you love what you do and you are willing to stand for it you will get your piece of the cake.

Ivan Torrent interview

Fight for your dreams. Because dreams... are the gears of your life. There is a lot of chances in this world, in this industry, and for sure, everyone has its own space on it. So... If music is your dream, just fight for it...And be humble and honest with yourself and with the others.

George Strezov interview

Do not be afraid to work and do not whine when you've got too much work to do. Do not forget that there are many available job positions for, say, graphic designers / 2D artists / programmers, but there is usually only one for the composer. So if you have any kind of work as a composer – stick to it, always try giving 110% out of you and it will be paid off sooner or later!