Northern Italy is 90 minutes/2.9 GB of ambiance recordings of rural Northern Italy.
It was recorded in July 2019, and features ambiance recordings from just outside the small village of Entratico, near Bergamo, Italy.

This is hill-country, with meandering gravel-roads, small farms, sheep-bells and lots of crickets. In fact, in this terrain, insects seem to be the only sound sources which are always near; everything else, from dogs and roosters, to church-bells and airplanes, seems always to be distant. Lots of laid-back rural atmosphere here then.

All files come with embedded metadata, and are compliant with the Universal Category System – the emerging standard for naming sound files, as developed by leading Hollywood audio professionals.

About Hzandbits:
Hzandbits Sound Effects is an independent maker of sound effects for digital creatives everywhere, with sounds featured in “The Cave” – 2020 Academy Award Nominee for Best Documentary Feature, as well as many other productions spanning cinema, games, radio and theater.

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