4.5Great Tunelle review Nils Mosh June 16, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews Tunelle review
5.0Must have Arpology indepth review Zdravko Djordjevic June 13, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews Arpology indepth review
4.7Great Boom Library Sci-Fi Construction Kit review Guest Reviewer June 4, 2014 Featured, Reviews, SFX library reviews Boom Library Sci-Fi Construction Kit review
5.0Must have Feedforward sound series mini review (Rhythmic processing) Zdravko Djordjevic May 13, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Software and other reviews Short review of the Diego Stocco`s new sound series feedforward. Part one Rhythmic processing.
4.8Awesome Wild Cats review (Boom library) Zdravko Djordjevic May 8, 2014 Featured, Reviews, SFX library reviews The Audio Spotlight reviews "Wild cats" library from Boom library.
4.9Awesome Altus review (Eduardo Tarilonte and Best Service) Zdravko Djordjevic April 23, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews Altus review by the AudioSpotlight.
4.9Awesome Dehumaniser review Zdravko Djordjevic April 7, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Software and other reviews Today we will be reviewing the new Dehumaniser a vocal processor based on Max/MSP. Is this what you have been waiting for? Why don’t we find out?
4.9Must have DM-307 review (Heavyocity) Zdravko Djordjevic March 15, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews Today we are going to take a look at DM–307 – a new sample library from Heavyocity. Does Heavyocity deliver or should you pass on this one? Let us have a look.
5.0Must have Cantus review (Eduardo Tarilont and Best Service) Zdravko Djordjevic March 1, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews We reviewed the new sample library from Best Service and Eduardo Tarilonte, Cantus. Have a look.
4.4Good Vocals With Lokka 3 review (Function Loops) Zdravko Djordjevic February 12, 2014 Featured, Reviews, Sample library reviews We reviewed Vocals With Lokka 3. Read more about it here.