In this special interview we talk with sound designer Jonatan Crafoord, composer Elvira Björkman, music producer Henri Sorvali and Head of Audio Ilmari Hakkola about the sound of Angry Birds 2.
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection sound profile Jon Burlingame talks with Composer Joe Trapanese about his work on the film Straight Outta Compton.
With new delivery options, Pro Sound Effects has said goodbye to DVDs! Now, all libraries 60GB or smaller come with a fast and reliable download option or 64GB flash drive for a small additional fee. Larger libraries, such as the Hybrid Library for freelance sound designers or the flagship Master Library are delivered on large capacity USB 3.0 hard drives.
In this exclusive SoundWorks Collection sound profile Sound Designer and Re-recording Mixer Pete Horner and Supervising Sound Editor and Sound Designer Al Nelson from Skywalker Sound talk about their work on Jurassic World.