
Many times we get a lot of requests to post a certain link to a new product and we are very happy to do it but usually those requests lack any information on what exactly we are suppose to share with our readers.

We see this phenomenon mostly occurring with upcoming sample developers or SFX providers. Granted, you don’t have to write a full essay about your company or a product but it would be nice to get a line or two of information so that we can share it.

Since we are at press releases, please stop sending us a press releases of your new super duper song because we do not consider this a news everyone will benefit from. Individuals are welcomed to contact us regarding spotlight interview.

That out of the way, let us look at how you can write a simple press release for your product.

General rules

Firstly, you should clarify what type of press release is it. Is it for immediate release or time based. I am sure most will go for the immediate release. The next part can be daunting for some because you will have to provide some information about your product. Write a couple of lines or let’s say a one paragraph about your product. It will be good for the reader and of course you. Don’t forget to include the name of the product and any other information.

Provide us with images (not to small but not to big either), prices and links. The latter is very important. A lot of times we find that there are missing links to ones product and that means that we have to around internet searching for your product. As you imagine, sometimes this might be a somewhat redundant task and doesn’t really leave a nice first impression.

Provide various formats of the press release document such plain text, PDF or word or better yet put everything in one zip/rar/7z file.

We hope that helps some of you. If you are interested in making your own library, you can check out the article on where to sell your sounds and you might want to look at the Paul Virostek blog on how to create one.

I have also made a word document that you can use. You can download it here.

Press release template download